Back to School Goodies - Blickenstaffs Toy Store

Back to School Goodies

Back to School Goodies

School is looking quite different this year. Fall 2020 may range from in-person, online, to homeschool education for your family. Amid these changes, we want to fill this school year with a little lightheartedness. We have come up with some backpack essentials, lunch favorites, and classroom necessities.



There is always a special feeling in the air as students prepare to go back to school. The excitement of seeing old friends is often mixed with a little hesitation in new classes. Recess can be spent relaying adventures of the summer and trying a new version of four squares. To prepare, maybe you have checked each of your pens to ensure they work properly. You might have color coordinated all of your pencils and double-checked your pencil sharpener is in prime shape. Instead, you might have just thrown a handful of supplies from the junk drawer into the middle of your backpack and decided you're ready to roll. 

A lot of things can go into a backpack. What’s in your backpack this year?


We think that “If people did not do silly things,

nothing intelligent would ever get done.”

- Ludwig Wittgenstein


That being said, here’s what we are putting in ours to inspire a little silliness:




Watching your little ones get on the bright yellow school bus can stir up many emotions. You might feel a little excitement that you now get to treat yourself to a quiet morning free of sticky fingers and immersed in a new book. Perhaps you are missing those sticky fingers and worried about their first day. Maybe you are worried about your first day as an at-home teacher if you have opted for homeschooling this year. We think that a fun lunch is a perfect way for parents to surprise their kids.

These are our favorite things to pack in a lunch:





We believe, “Education is simply the soul

of a society as it passes from one

generation to another.” -G.K. Chesterton.


The work you do in the classroom is not always easy but it is giving soul to a new generation! Learning requires the creativity of young minds. Whether used for English, Math, or Science, these are some of our favorite items to inspire imagination.


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